


The Birthday-Loving Kardashians Have Completely Ignored Kanye West’s 45th On Social Media!


Kim Kardashian‘s famous family loves nothing more than to celebrate each others’ birthdays, anniversaries, and various other holidays across social media! But that charitable posting apparently doesn’t extend to exes — as Kanye West found out this week!

The Hurricane rapper turned 45 years old on Wednesday, and while his (maybe?) girlfriend Chaney Jones was up for celebrating the big day on Instagram, Kim’s famous fam didn’t feel like focusing on the father of the SKIMS mogul’s four children!

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We just did a Wednesday evening sweep of the KarJenner socials across IG and Twitter, and from Kim to all of her sisters and momager Kris Jenner, there is NOTHING from the fam wishing well to Ye on his milestone 45th birthday! Ouch!

Their socials are all aflutter with promo posts for the fam’s reality TV show, The Kardashians, which is set to drop a brand new episode on Hulu in a few hours’ time. And of course there’s the regular promo fare — SKIMS, SKKN By KimKylie Cosmetics, and more branding stuff from all of ’em. But nothing for Kanye!

Of course, hours ago, we reported on how the Jesus Walks rapper is “unsurprisingly pissed” at Kim for having moved on so quickly with boyfriend Pete Davidson — especially when it comes to introducing the Meet Cute star to the ex-couple’s four kids.

So maybe the no-celebration thing was purposeful on Kim’s part. You know, to keep cutting the public ties, and all. Definitely seems noteworthy, TBH!

Reactions, Perezcious readers??

[Image via WENN/Avalon]


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Police Searching For Six Members Of Haiti’s Special Olympics Delegation After They Vanished In Florida


This is seriously alarming!

Police in Florida have revealed an active search is underway to find six Haitians who mysteriously vanished while visiting the state for the Special Olympics in Orlando this month.

This week, the Osceola County Sheriff’s Office announced that Oriol Jean, 18, Anderson Petit-Frère, 18, Peter Mianovich Berlus, 19, Nicholson Fontilus, 20, Steevenson Jacquet, 24, and Antione Joseph Mithon, 32 all disappeared on June 6.

Officials say that the missing group were all members of Haiti’s Special Olympics delegation who were competing in the soccer competition. The six were last seen at around 2:30 p.m. in Kissimmee; all of them reportedly turned in their hotel room keys, left their personal belongings, and then vanished without a trace.

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The sheriff’s office said the reason the group left the games is unknown, adding that it’s now investigating the matter all as a “missing person’s case.” The department shared in a statement:

“We are in communication with Walt Disney World, Special Olympics, and our Law Enforcement and Federal partners. At this time, we believe this is an isolated event and do not suspect foul play. We are asking anyone with information to please contact the Osceola County Sheriff’s Office.”

The Special Olympics released a statement of its own, telling CNN that its “foremost concern” was the well-being of the missing group.

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The statement read:

“The individuals are all adults, five of whom are not Special Olympics athletes and one who is an adult with intellectual disability. The well-being of these delegates is our foremost concern. Local authorities have indicated they have no reason to believe the health and safety of any of the individuals is at risk. To expand the reach and effectiveness of law enforcement’s efforts to locate these individuals, they have been reported as missing persons.”

On Wednesday, a rep for the Special Olympics told People the group consists of “one Special Olympics athlete, one coach, and four Unified partners, all of whom are adults.” (For those who don’t know, “Unified partners” are people without intellectual disabilities who play on the same teams as Special Olympics athletes.)

The 2022 Special Olympics began on June 5 and will continue through June 12 in Orlando. The event will include more than 5,500 athletes and coaches and will welcome over 100,000 spectators.

Hopefully the group is tracked down soon.

[Image via Osceola County Sheriff’s Office]


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General Hospital Star Jack Wagner’s Surviving Son Breaks Silence On Brother’s Untimely Death


Peter Wagner, son of General Hospital actor Jack Wagner, has spoken up about his brother’s death.

As we reported, Harrison Wagner was found dead on Monday in a Los Angeles parking lot. He had a troubled history with addiction and even went missing for a period of time in 2016. Since the confirmation of the 27-year-old’s death, several fans and friends have spoken out about the devastating situation.

For instance Frank Valentini, esteemed executive producer for General Hospital, sent his condolences to the family in a tweet on Tuesday. The tweet read:

“On behalf of myself and the entire #GH family, our hearts go out to Kristina Wagner, Jack, and their family during this devastating time. We ask that you respect their privacy and keep them in your thoughts.”

It’s unimaginable what this poor family is going through right now with the loss of someone that was seemingly so loved by all.

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Jack nor Kristina have spoken up about the loss of their son, but on Wednesday, Harrison’s brother Peter broke his silence. In a touching Instagram post, he paid tribute to his late brother, captioning:

“Always with you.”

What a heartbreaking and powerful sentiment in only three words…

The eldest brother’s post also featured a gallery of photographs, many of which are childhood photos of the two brothers. See the full post (below):

Peter and Harrison look like they grew up as true best friends. What a tragic loss for the whole family.

Our condolences go out to the Wagner family. We hope they can find healing in this time of mourning.

[Image via Instagram/Peter Wagner/Harrison Wagner]


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Beneficiile sexului in public

Sexul în public se referă la activitatea porno sexuală care are loc într-un cadru public și care poate fi benefică și poate avea repercusiuni plăcute dacă este facut asa cum trebuie. În timp ce filmele și melodiile populare îl prezintă ca fiind romantic și incitant, implicarea într-o astfel de activitate în realitate poate fi super frumoasa și placuta.

La un moment dat în viața lor, majoritatea bărbaților și femeilor visează să experimenteze întâlniri sexuale publice – fie că este vorba de primăvară, zbârnindu-se într-un câmp de flori, sau rapidă la baia unui bar. În timp ce unii o fac din lipsă de intimitate sau emoții de a-și asuma riscuri, altora pur și simplu le place să o facă din cauza activării riscului în sistemul de recompensă al creierului lor, care eliberează neurohormonul dopamină pentru o experiență de orgasm și mai puternică.

Unii indivizi se angajează în comportament lasciv public pentru că sunt exhibiționiști sau se bucură de voyeurismul implicat. Dacă acest lucru vă descrie, luați în considerare vizitarea cluburilor și stațiunilor unde sexul în public este legal; altfel, încercați să invitați pe cineva la o sesiune voyeuristică doar pe invitație acasă!

Repercusiunile pentru actele sexuale comise în public depind de cât de vizibilă este activitatea pentru alții și dacă există plângeri ale unor terți; în plus, probabilitatea consecințelor depinde de numărul de alte persoane prezente într-o zonă.

Recunoaștem cu toții că pornografia este o industrie extrem de răspândită pe internet; într-adevăr, a fost una dintre primele mari industrii care au apărut online și este încă prezentă și astăzi. În plus, pornografia s-a adaptat întotdeauna și a profitat de noile inovații tehnologice. După cum notează Online MBA, site-urile pornografice au fost inițial populare deoarece proprietarii lor au văzut că influența sa a determinat cererea de conexiuni modem mai rapide, precum și încurajarea inovațiilor precum tehnologiile de compresie a fișierelor video, sistemele de plată ușor de utilizat și modelele de afaceri care le susțineau. Din 1995, când Amateur Hardcore și Sizzle au folosit-o pentru prima dată ca parte a strategiei lor de a deveni imperii

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