


Flávio Maluf e a Eucatex: Liderando a Transformação para um Setor Madeireiro Sustentável

Sob a liderança visionária de Flávio Maluf, a Eucatex tem se posicionado como uma verdadeira pioneira na transformação do setor madeireiro brasileiro, adotando práticas sustentáveis e inovadoras em todas as etapas de suas operações. Com Flávio Maluf à frente, a empresa tem sido reconhecida por seu compromisso inabalável com a preservação ambiental e a busca contínua por soluções sustentáveis.

A trajetória de Flávio Maluf na Eucatex é marcada por decisões vanguardistas e uma visão de longo prazo. Na década de 1960, ele liderou a empresa na utilização pioneira do eucalipto como matéria-prima para painéis acústicos de forro, abrindo caminho para uma abordagem mais sustentável no setor madeireiro.

Atualmente, sob a batuta de Flávio Maluf, a Eucatex mantém um compromisso inabalável com a sustentabilidade em todas as etapas de suas operações. A empresa investe fortemente em melhoramento genético, com capacidade para produzir 13 milhões de mudas clonais de eucalipto por ano, maximizando a produtividade e a eficiência de forma ambientalmente responsável.

Flávio Maluf tem sido fundamental na implementação de práticas sustentáveis na Eucatex. A empresa possui atualmente 50 milhões de árvores plantadas em 35 mil hectares de terras, colhendo anualmente 1,8 milhão de metros cúbicos de madeira de forma sustentável, seguindo rigorosos protocolos de preservação ambiental. Essa abordagem garante o equilíbrio entre produção e conservação, refletindo o compromisso de Flávio Maluf com a sustentabilidade.

Outra iniciativa pioneira liderada por Flávio Maluf na Eucatex é a reciclagem de madeira em larga escala na América Latina. Sob sua liderança, a empresa coleta e reaproveita resíduos de fabricação e construção em biomassa, reduzindo o desperdício e minimizando o impacto ambiental, contribuindo para a construção de um futuro mais sustentável para o setor.

A inovação e a responsabilidade socioambiental também permeiam os programas de conscientização ambiental, capacitação profissional e parcerias comunitárias promovidos pela Eucatex sob o comando de Flávio Maluf. O CEO compreende que o sucesso empresarial está atrelado à adoção de práticas inovadoras e sustentáveis, bem como à responsabilidade social.

Um marco recente desse compromisso é a inauguração do maior parque de energia solar do Brasil em parceria com a Comerc Energia. Com as fábricas obtendo agora 50% do consumo de eletricidade a partir desse recurso renovável, Flávio Maluf e a Eucatex buscam reduzir ainda mais sua pegada de carbono e contribuir para um futuro mais sustentável para o setor.

Com desempenho sólido, investimentos contínuos em inovação e sustentabilidade, e aumento das exportações internacionais, Flávio Maluf tem liderado a Eucatex na transformação do setor madeireiro brasileiro, consolidando a empresa como referência em práticas sustentáveis e inovadoras, inspirando outras companhias a adotarem uma abordagem mais consciente e contribuindo para um futuro mais verde e responsável.

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Unlocking the Power of A/B Testing: How Optimizely Partners Drive Conversion Rate Optimisation

In the digital age, where every click and interaction counts, businesses strive to maximise their online presence and convert visitors into customers. This quest for optimisation has led to the rise of various strategies, among which A/B testing stands out as a potent tool. A/B testing, also known as split testing, involves comparing two versions of a webpage or app to determine which one performs better. The process may seem simple, but its implications are profound, especially when executed with the expertise of Optimizely partners.

Optimizely, a leading experimentation platform empowers businesses to optimise their digital experiences through A/B testing and other experimentation techniques. However, leveraging Optimizely to its full potential requires more than just access to the platform—it demands a strategic approach and an in-depth understanding of customer behaviour and psychology. This is where an Optimizely partner can come into play, catalysing conversion rate optimisation (CRO).

At the heart of A/B testing lies the concept of continuous improvement. By testing different variations of elements such as headlines, images, calls-to-action, and layout, businesses can gain valuable insights into what resonates best with their audience. This iterative process allows for data-driven decision-making, ensuring that every change made is backed by evidence rather than guesswork.

Optimizely partners bring a wealth of expertise and experience to the table, enabling businesses to design and execute A/B tests with precision. From formulating hypotheses to analysing results, these partners guide clients through every step of the optimisation journey. Their deep understanding of the Optimizely platform, coupled with industry knowledge, enables them to craft effective experiments that yield tangible results.

One of the key benefits of partnering with an Optimizely partner is access to advanced features and integrations. These include audience targeting, multivariate testing, and seamless integration with other marketing tools and platforms. By harnessing the full potential of Optimizely’s capabilities, businesses can unlock new opportunities for growth and innovation.

Moreover, Optimizely partners offer strategic guidance tailored to the specific goals and challenges of each client. Whether the objective is to increase conversions, improve user engagement, or enhance overall user experience, partners work closely with businesses to develop a roadmap for success. This collaborative approach fosters a culture of experimentation and learning, driving continuous improvement across digital properties.

In addition to optimising conversion rates, A/B testing can also provide valuable insights into customer preferences and behaviour. By analysing user interactions and feedback, businesses can gain a deeper understanding of what motivates their audience and tailor their digital experiences accordingly. This customer-centric approach not only improves conversion rates but also builds long-term loyalty and trust.

As competition in the digital marketplace continues to intensify, the importance of conversion rate optimisation cannot be overstated. Businesses that embrace A/B testing and experimentation gain a competitive edge by staying ahead of trends and delivering experiences that resonate with their audience. By partnering with an Optimizely partner, such as Ultimedia, and leveraging the expertise of optimisation professionals, businesses can unlock the full potential of A/B testing and drive meaningful results.

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How to Learn Python (The Complete Guide)


Are you searching for the term ‘how to learn Python? We are so thrilled to know that you have decided to start learning one of the most widely used programming languages. Learning a programming language can be a roller coaster ride for many. Therefore, we will try to resolve some of our reader’s queries like, how to learn Python language? How to learn Python for free?  Or how to start learning Python? In this article.

Just like learning any other language, the first step to learn Python is to understand how to learn. Knowing how to learn can be one of the most important skills that are needed in programming. Now you can ask why this is important? This is important because with time languages change, new libraries are created, tools are often updated. That’s why knowing how to learn is one of the most critical parts of becoming a successful programmer.

So, let’s jump into the article, and try to answer your first question, how to learn Python?

1) Are You Motivated Enough?

Before you start diving into the world of the best online Python course, you need to ask yourself that why you want to learn the language. This is mainly because learning Python is no easy feat and it is a quite hectic and long journey. Sometimes learning the language can be a bit boring too.

No! We’re not demoralizing you; you cannot learn Python without motivation. So, at first, you should figure out if you are generally interested and prepared to learn Python.

Now to answer your query, how to learn Python? You must pick an area of your interest from the list below;

  •   Games
  •   Sensors/Robots/Hardware
  •   Websites
  •   Machine Learning/Data Science
  •   Scripts that will automate work
  •   Data processing and analysis

After figuring out your area of interest, you must stick to it and will eventually start working on them.

2) Back to Basics

Just like everything else, you need to learn the basics of Python while learning the language. Yes! I know it’s not very motivating or inspiring but you need to learn the basic syntax before diving deep into your preferred area.

When it comes to the basics, there’s a tutorial on Python’s website itself, offering an online free python course.

However, you must keep one thing in mind, that you must spend the minimum time to learn the basics of Python. The quicker you complete the basic syntax, the faster you’ll learn. Ideally, you should spend less than a month learning the basics.

 3) Start Working on Projects

If you’ve searched for the term how to learn Python, you must have been excited to start working on your own projects. These projects will eventually help you to learn Python. Projects are always great to learn something new, mostly because they will push your capabilities and help you create your own portfolio, which can be beneficial for employment.

However, while working on these projects, you’ll be stuck pretty badly, which can be demoralizing sometimes. So, it’s better to start working on structured projects for better results.

In the quest of how can I learn Python? You’ll have to start your own projects, once you have completed the structured projects. Your own projects will eventually help you to learn the language in a better way. However, you might have to consult various resources, if you’re stuck. One thing I would like to suggest, you should be comfortable when it comes to debugging errors and problems with your programs. Once you’re comfortable with debugging, you should immediately start working on your own projects that interest you.


Slowly keep increasing the difficulty level of your projects, once you are comfortable enough try something harder. Now you can ask what should I try? As an example, you can try teaching a novice about your project and Python.

So, if you want to know how to learn Python? Keep one thing in mind, Python is evolving all the time. So, you’ll have to constantly learn and working on projects in order to do it right. Although Python is a fun language to learn, it can be quite a handful to learn if you lose your motivation.

4) How to Learn Python for Free

Python is one of the widely used and most recognized programming languages in the entire tech scene. One of the main reasons for the massive use of Python as a language is the versatility of the language. And the popularity has opened up multiple opportunities for Python programmers. So, there are many people, who are looking to break into the Tech industry is opting to learn the language.

Now many of the students are looking for a free online Python course, in order to dive into the world of programming. In the list below we are listing out the 5 best online Python courses, where you can learn Python for free of cost.

i) Microsoft’s introduction to Python Course

This course is mainly for beginners and teaches them how to write basic Python codes. Here students will learn to use a Python interpreter in order to execute scripts and create their own apps.  

ii) Google’s Python Class

This course targets people who are new to the world of Python but have some basic knowledge about programming. This is one of the best online Python courses, which include practice coding exercises, video lectures, and written lessons.

iii) Learn Python 3 from Scratch by Educative

Now learn Python 3 for free with this interactive course from Educative. This 10-hour course contains as many as 75 lessons, which will help you to learn Python for free.

iv) Learn Python on Udemy

If you want to know how to learn Python, you can also opt for the course from Udemy. This course is mainly for beginners, who don’t have any experience.

v) Learn Python on Coursera

This course is being offered by the University of Michigan. Here who have no experience in programming learn to write programs, and it is one of the best python courses available out there.    

So, we suppose that we have been able to properly answer your query, which was how to learn python? And as you know, Python is a very critical skill and it is ranked a notch higher than any other skills in a data scientist job. Also, for your convenience, we have answered another frequently asked question, how to learn python for free. So, what are you waiting for? Let’s dive into the world of Python.

Lastly, if you are using the Chrome browser, we would like you to know about a few Chrome Extensions which will make your Google searches even more productive.


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Top 25 Tips To Find A Content Writing Service


With the emergence of the Covid 19 pandemic, most of the businesses across the planet have moved online. However, moving a business online often comes with few sets of requirements, one amongst them is the need for proper content marketing.

However, for small businesses, it’s quite hard to employ full-timers who will dedicatedly work as content writers or content marketers. So, many businesses often look for a cost-effective way, which is outsourcing content marketing.

Outsourcing content writing to a freelance content writing service provider or a freelance content writer comes with many positives, and can also become a cost-effective way to manage your content marketing strategy. However, if you’re in the market looking for a freelance writer to outsource some of the content for your business, you can be overwhelmed real quick due to the staggering number of options.

So, here in this article, we have compiled 25 Tips to find the best content writing service for your business.


1) The Content Writer Should Understand Customers

While searching for freelance content writing services, look for writers who can understand your target customers. It’s not about writing thousands of words, but it’s about understanding the target audience, their demographics and helping your brand to find the proper voice. Most of the time, the best content writing service providers will take their time to know your business and its clients better for better ROI.

2) Sharing Insights with The Freelance Content Writer is the Key

In order to help your content writer to write meaningful content, you must provide them insights. Now you may ask, what kind of insights? These insights should include information regarding your target audience and how the blog addresses their pain points. If you are worried about data privacy, then all we can suggest is to sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement with the content writing service provider.

3) Don’t Shy away from Telling Your Goals

While working with a freelance content writing service provider, or a lone freelancer you must explain your goals. Otherwise, they might not be able to help you. There might be times when you need proper SEO content writing to rank better than your competitors, and the content writer must know your requirements in order to help you with proper content, that sells.

4) Communication is the Key

If cost is the factor, then there’s a high chance that your freelance content writer will be working from a different time zone from yours, and in that case, easy communication should be the main priority. Work with those content writing agencies, who are transparent with their work, offer easy payment options, and can revise their content at least 2-3 times according to your feedback.

5) Using the Same Tools

Ask your freelance content writing service provider to use your tools. While working with a freelancer the last thing you would want is a freelancer who refuses to learn or work with new tools.  

6) Custom Content Writing Services

When it comes to freelance content writing services, some employers want a service provider who can create great content. While some look for more comprehensive options like agencies who can help them monitor the content’s performance or develop a content strategy. Few also look for providers who can help them with content distribution. So, must check with your content writing agency, if they can provide the service you need.

7) Look for Experienced Content Writers

It is good to have a content writer who has already written content in the field you are working on. Having some hands-on knowledge and experience helps to a large extent when it comes to writing the best content for your business.

8) Ask for Work Samples

Don’t shy away from asking for a previous work sample. If someone is experienced in your field then it’s great. However, a sample from the writer will eventually help you know your freelance writers’ real knowledge.

9) Ask The Freelance Content Writer for Paid Samples

You must understand, the content writing agencies or freelance content writers work for multiple clients at a time. In that case, we always suggest you ask for a paid sample as it will inspire the writer to write better content for you, which will help you to understand your freelance content writer better.

10) Don’t Use Samples on your Website

Few clients often publish the work samples provided by the freelance content writer on their website, without seeking any permission. We would suggest you refrain from doing such things, as those content aren’t yours and they are supposed to work as samples for your understanding. If you still want to publish those samples, then we would suggest you take permission from the writer beforehand. And it’s also a good practice to pay for the content you are publishing.

11) Content Writing Costs Quite a Bit

If you are expecting to work with an experienced freelance content writer then be prepared to pay a bit more than others. It’s not always easy to find a niche-based freelance content writer, which often shoots up the charges.

12) SEO Based Content Writing Service

A freelance content writing service provider must have a piece of great knowledge of SEO content writing. It must be familiar with SEO tools, keyword research, and optimizing content to maximize your ROI.

13) Ask the Content Writing Service Provide About SEO

Always ask SEO-related queries to your content writing agency. You can ask, how they would optimize content for SEO. Once you’re entirely sure about their effectiveness then only you should opt for their services. SEO content writing is essential when it comes to any professional content writing services and it requires quite a bit of study and research.    

14) High-Quality Content is the Need of the Hour

Always opt for well-written content, which is engaging, and interesting & free of any grammar or syntax error. A high-quality content must be unique, fresh, and original.  

15) A Great Portfolio

While assessing the sample work, you must check for the uniqueness, quality, and errors in the content. Don’t forget to do an SEO audit of the content writer’s website in order to know if they are following what they are preaching.


16) Hire a Proactive Content Writing Service Provider

Opting for those content writing agencies who take initiatives by themselves is a very good thing for your business. So, before hiring a creative content writer, ask him/her if he/she is willing to proactively participate in the assignment and if he/she is capable to do his/her own research.

17) Say it Clearly

If you are annoyed with constant proactiveness or questions and want your creative content writer to stick to your guidelines, then say it upfront. The key to effective content writing is to maintain transparency between the freelance content writing agency and you.  

18) Work with Established Content Writing Agency

Always opt for established content writing agencies, which have strict codes and procedures, which helps when it comes to delivering content in time.

19) Ask your Peers

It’s always a good idea to ask your peers for suggestions. Your peers won’t suggest a content writing agency, with whom they had a poor experience. Asking peers regarding effective content writing services can become very helpful.  

20) Don’t Entertain Delays

Always keep an eye on the response time of the freelance content writer. To create an effective content writing strategy, one needs to be responsive to their clients. If someone takes more than 48 hours to respond then it’s good to consider them to be unreliable.

 21) Look at Reviews of the Freelance Content Writer

Nowadays we don’t buy a cellphone without looking at their reviews. So, when it comes to your business, don’t settle for something less. Always look for reviews. Every well-known or established freelance content writer has reviews, and testimonials, which need to be checked out before hiring.

22) Ask for Specialized SEO Tools

Don’t forget to ask the content writing agency regarding the use of specialized SEO tools. In today’s day and age, it’s nearly impossible to create good SEO-optimized content without using any specialized SEO tools.

23) Opting for Full-Service Providers

End-to-end services are mostly for those businesses that prefer to get rid of the headache of content creation, optimization, monitoring, and distribution. If you need a full-service provider then only you should opt for it as it comes with quite a hefty price tag.

24) Writing Service Providers are an Extension of Your Team

Always treat your content writing service provider as an extension of your current team. They will work alongside your full-time team in order to increase your ROI. To create an effective content marketing strategy, you must share information with your freelancers without any worry.  

25) Don’t Bargain

Content writing is a labor-intensive job, and it doesn’t come cheap. If you are being offered a really low price, then there’s a high chance of the content being not good enough or the creative content writer is not enough experienced for your niche. So, choose wisely, and don’t always opt for cost-effective content writing services, and most importantly don’t bargain.


So, here are the top 25 hacks to find a content writing service for your business. Finding an affordable content writing service or ghost content writing service can be challenging sometimes. However, just keep in mind that effective content writing can be a key to your business’s success. So, take your time to go through all the points above and find someone right within your budget and see the magic


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Car Battery Restoration At Home Safely [Step-by-Step Guide]


Hey there! Are you looking to restore your old batteries? Or DIY battery reconditioning process? Battery restoration at home is quite an easy affair and it doesn’t need any kind of technical skills or knowledge. However, you must take enough protection, as the battery solution is acidic and it can cause burn injury if you are not careful enough.

Now you may ask us ‘is it worth the effort?’ The answer is “Yes!” A typical car battery lasts for around 5 years, and after that, it starts to lose its power. Result? You buy a new battery and the old one goes to the landfill. On the other hand, reconditioning batteries can save you quite a few bucks and it also lowers the number of old batteries thrown into the environment.

Additionally, if you are looking to start a secondary income route, then you can even start a business of refurbished car batteries. These refurbished batteries are seeing quite a bit of demand nowadays, just Google ‘refurbished batteries for sale near me and see the result.

So, enough of all these Gyan! Now let’s just start our journey to reconditioning a battery.

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Why Car Battery Recondition is Needed?

Reconditioning batteries basically refer to the process of rejuvenating old batteries, which increases the capacity of the old worn-out batteries and helps them to hold a charge for longer. So, never throw old batteries into landfills, when you can still recondition them up to three times.

And not only for cars, if we look around us most of the electronic devices are operated by battery. Starting right from the alarm clocks, cellphones, laptops, headphones, remote controls, cars, motorcycles, etc. Now you may ask ‘are all the batteries the same?’ the answer would be, ‘No! not all the batteries are the same.’ Currently, we have NiCad, Lithium-ion, NiMH, and lead-acid batteries.

However, for all these kinds of batteries, reconditioning is a great way to save some bucks and to reuse them. So, let’s dig deeper in order to know how to do a battery restoration at home.


Benefits of Battery Restoration at Home

With time each and every battery loses its juice, and after a certain period of time, your old battery will no longer be efficient enough to start your car or doing your daily work. Once your battery is damaged, you have two options, one is to buy a new battery or the second one is to recondition a batteryReconditioning batteries can be a very good option to save some money if your battery is not severely damaged.

So, the advantages of battery restoration at home are;

i)  By reconditioning batteries, you can save a decent amount of money. Refurbished batteries can save you around 25-50% of the retail cost of a new car battery. The average cost of a new battery is around $75-$100.

ii) Battery restoration at home is also good for our mother nature. As battery restoring can reduce the number of pollutants thrown into landfills. Batteries often consist of acidic solutions, which damages the environment massively.  

iii) Lastly, by reconditioning batteries you can gain the most important knowledge to start a car battery reconditioning business. This business needs very less capital and you can expect decent returns from it.

How to Do a Car Battery Restoration at Home

After all the discussions about DIY battery reconditioning, now we will discuss the step-by-step guide to car battery restoration at home. Just keep a thing in mind, reconditioning batteries is not a big task, but you need to take some extra precautions as batteries consist of acidic solutions, which also contain lead and can cause burn injuries.

Things you need to recondition a battery

1) Mask

2) Disposable rubber gloves

3) Goggles

4) A battery charger

5) Flathead screwdriver

6) Distilled water (3.7 liters)

7) Baking powder

8) Bucket

9) Toothbrush

10)  A battery terminal cleaner

11) One Apron


The Procedure of Reconditioning Batteries

i) Firstly, use a wrench to remove the battery from the car. Before starting to recondition a battery, wear all the protective gear to protect yourself from any accidental acid spill. Always try to work in a well-ventilated area and keep any open flames away from that area.

ii) In the second step of car battery restoration at home, prepare a paste-like solution of baking soda and water with the ratio of 2:1 in order to remove the corrosion on the battery terminal. Now get a toothbrush and dip it into the solution and rub it against the corroded terminal. Slowly you’ll see the reduction of corrosion. You can also use sandpaper grit or steel wool in case of hard corrosion.

iii) After removing the corrosion, use your voltmeter to measure the volt reading of the weak battery. If the reading is anywhere between 10V-12.6V then your battery needs to be reconditioned. Remember, to connect the red wire to the positive terminal and the black wire to the negative terminal.

iv) In the fourth step of car battery restoration at home, you need to remove the battery caps using a screwdriver. And then pour all the old electrocyte solution of the battery into a non-metallic container.

v) In the fifth step of car battery restoration at home, you need to prepare a solution based on Epsom salt (magnesium sulfate) and distilled water. Mix 120gms of Epsom salt (magnesium sulfate) in 1 liter of distilled water, and mix well until the entire Epsom salt gets dissolved. Now refill each cell with the newly made solution and close the caps. Don’t use tap water, as it may contain harmful chemicals for the batteries.

vi) In order to do a car battery restoration at home, now you have to recharge the newly reconditioned battery with a 3-phase smart charger which is set to 12 volts. Now charge the refurbished battery overnight.

vii) Turn off the charger in the morning and connect the battery to the car and make sure that all the cables are securely fastened.

Now complete the entire process by disconnecting the battery and charging it to the brim using the smart charger once a week for two to three weeks for better results.

So, this was the step-by-step guide to restore car batteries at home. We hope, that we have shared much-needed details when it comes to reconditioning batteries and their advantages.

If you want to know more about reconditioning old batteries you can visit EZ Battery Reconditioning for more info. You can opt for various flexible courses, which will help you know the process of reconditioning different kinds of batteries.

We understand that you might have some questions related to car battery restoration at home. So, we have created some FAQs for you;

Battery Restoration at Home---BizTrailblazer-Blog

Frequently Asked Questions About Battery Restoration at Home

Q1. Is Overcharging a car battery bad?

Certainly! Overcharging is very bad for your battery. Overcharging can kill a battery.

Q2. What should be the typical reading of a fully charged 12V battery?

A fully charged 12V battery should show at least 12.6V or higher.

Q3. How long a reconditioned battery works?

Normally a reconditioned battery lasts for 1-3 years. However, it’s a bit difficult to guess the exact time.


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How to Fill Out and Submit Form 15G

Form 15G is a self-declaration form that can be submitted by individuals to their banks in order to avoid the deduction of taxes on interest earned on their deposits. It is beneficial to submit Form 15G because it helps save on taxes. In this blog post, we will show you how to fill out and submit Form 15G.

What is Form 15G?

Form 15G is a declaration that is to be furnished by an assessee who is eligible to receive certain incomes without deduction of tax thereon. The declaration has to be furnished in duplicate in the prescribed form duly signed by the assessee.

The person who furnishes Form 15G, hereinafter referred to as the declarant, shall be solely responsible for the correctness of the particulars furnished therein and of the consequences arising out of such furnishing.

A declarant who knowingly or willfully makes a false declaration or furnishes incorrect particulars shall be liable to prosecution under

perjury (Section 193 of the Indian Penal Code) and shall also be liable to a penalty under the Income-tax Act.

What are the benefits of submitting Form 15G?

Form 15G is submitted to avoid TDS (Tax Deducted at Source). TDS is a system introduced by Income Tax Department, wherein taxes are deducted at source from the income earned by an individual and deposited with the government Gratuity Meaning. This way the burden of paying taxes is divided between the payer and receiver of income.

The person who deducts TDS is called a deductor and the person from whose income TDS has been deducted is called deduced.

How to fill out Form 15G.

In order to fill out Form 15G, you will need to provide your personal information. This includes your name, date of birth, pan number, and address. You will also need to provide your bank account details so that the TDS can be deducted from your account.

Part 2: Income Details.

Income details include your income from salaries, interest, dividends, and rental income. You will need to provide the total amount of income earned from these sources in order to calculate the TDS that is applicable on this income.

Part 3: Bank Account Details.

You will need to provide your bank account details in order to have the TDS deducted from this account. The bank account details required are your account number and IFSC code.

How to submit Form 15G.

To submit Form 15G online, you will need to log into your account on the Income Tax Department website. Once you are logged in, you will be able to fill out the form and submit it electronically.

Offline Method.

If you prefer to submit Form 15G offline, you can do so by mailing it to the Income Tax Department. Be sure to include all required information and supporting documents, and keep a copy of the form for your records.


Form 15G is a self-declaration form that can be submitted by an individual to their bank or income tax department in order to avoid deduction of taxes at source on interest earned. The form can be used for both fixed and recurring deposits.

Individuals who are eligible to submit Form 15G include those who are below the age of 60 and whose total income does not exceed the taxable limit. Those who submit Form 15G will not have any taxes deducted from their interest earnings, making it an advantageous option for many taxpayers.

To fill out Form 15G, taxpayers will need to provide their personal information, income details, and bank account details. Once the form is complete, it can be submitted online or offline to the relevant authorities.

Submitting Form 15G is a simple process that can save taxpayers a significant amount of money on their interest earnings. For anyone who is eligible to submit the form, it is well worth taking the time to do so.

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All the Steps and Procedures Involved in Car Shipping

Car shipping, also known as auto transport, is the process of moving a vehicle from one location to another. It can be a complicated process, but it is often necessary when moving to a new location or buying a car from a different region.

The following are the steps and procedures involved in car transporting:

Choose a car shipping company

Start by researching and comparing car shipping companies to find one that suits your needs. Consider factors like reputation, price offered, and the services offered. Look for a company that is licensed and insured, with a good reputation and positive customer reviews.

Request a quote

Once you have chosen a car shipping company, request a quote. The quote will typically include the cost of shipping, the estimated delivery time, and the services included in the price. Make sure you understand all the fees and services included in the quote.

Choose your shipping options

To ship your car, you have got 2 main options:

  • Open transport
  • Enclosed transport.

Open transport is cheaper but exposes the car to the elements, while enclosed transport offers more protection, but is more expensive. Select your option that fits well all your needs and budget.

Prepare your car

Before the car is shipped, you should prepare it for transport. This includes removing any personal items from the car, disabling any alarmpppppp, and making sure the car is in good working condition.

Schedule the pick-up

Once you have chosen your shipping options and prepared your car, schedule the pick-up time and location with the car shipping company. Make sure to provide accurate information about the pick-up location and contact information.

Inspect the car

When the car is picked up, inspect it thoroughly and document any existing damage. This will help you to make a claim if the car is damaged during transport. Take photos of the car from different angles and note any scratches, dents, or other damage.

Track the shipment

During transport, you can track the shipment of your car online or through the car shipping company. This will give you an idea of when the car will arrive at its destination.

Make sure you have the contact information of the carrier in case you need to communicate with them during the transport.

Receive the car

When the car arrives at its destination, inspect it again for any damage that may have occurred during transport. If there is any damage, document it and file a claim with the car shipping company.

Check the car thoroughly for any scratches, dents, or other damage that was not present before shipping.

Pay the balance

After the car has been delivered, you will need to pay the balance of the shipping cost. Most car shipping companies require payment in full at the time of delivery, so make sure you have the funds available to pay the carrier.

Leave a review

After the car has been delivered and you have paid the balance, take a few minutes to leave a review for the car shipping company. This will help other people who are looking for car shipping services to make an informed decision, and will also provide valuable feedback to the company.

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15 Best HR Management Software in 2021


Have you started a new business? Or have you just scaled up your business? So, you might be in a need of the best HR systems for your company. However, you still may not know the proper use and purpose of a top HR software, and how it can change the way you manage your employees.

In this article, we’ll dig deep into the world of the best HR management software. We’ll help you to know what is HR Software? What are the benefits of HR Software? And we will also talk about various types of HR software. Lastly, we will list out 15 best HR management software for your company in 2021. 

However, I’d like to tell you, this article will be long, so be patient and read along!

What is HR Software?

In the quest of knowing the 15 best HR management software, we must know what is HR software? HR software is basically a platform, that integrates, automates, and manages most of the day-to-day HR processes in a company.

It can perform different kinds of functions, which include organizing and maintaining the employee databases, and obviously, organizational information of the company to make it much more accessible. Over the years, the popularity of HR software has grown up massively.

Various Types of HR Software

Currently, there are many HR software available in the market offering different values, features, and functions. These variants of HR software include Human Capital Management, Human Resource Management System, and Human Resource Information System.

Now you might ask, what HR software should I buy?

The answer to this question is, there’s always going to be a very thin line between all these three variants. However, just to simplify we can say, Human Resource Information System only offers basic functionalities, in order to manage processes, people and policies. Whereas Human Capital Management looks after the area of talent and workforce management. Lastly, Human Resource Management System offers comprehensive functionalities, which also include payroll services and all the bells and whistles of a top HR software.

Benefits of an HR Software

The best thing HR software does is to lighten the burden of your entire HR department. It specifically reduces the time spent on doing repetitive, low-impact administrative tasks, which eventually helps your HR employee to focus on more productive things. Other than this best HR management software benefits mainly include;

– Better and accurate analytics
– Better feedback
– Reduced errors
– Vastly improved organization of various documents and obviously employee data
– Keeping companies compliant with different regulations
– Streamlined processes

So, now we have explored all the aspects of the best HR management software. Now you must read further for the list of 15 best HR management software for your organization. These 15 best HR management software can be also used by small businesses and start-ups.

1) Bamboo HR

Bamboo HR is one of the best software for HR management. Its two founders Ben Peterson and Ryan Sanders didn’t start the company just to make some quick buck. They wanted to make a truly great product that customers would love. Bamboo HR should be the best HR software for small businesses. This platform provides a great UI experience and great customer support service.

BizTrailblazer Blog - best HR software in India - Bamboo HR


– Good support team
– Great UX/UI


– A bit expensive
– No payroll services


2) Keka

Keka has beautifully built a powerful and efficient best HR and Payroll software. Keka simplifies many complex HR processes. This platform offers flexible pricing plans.

BizTrailblazer Blog - KEKA Smart HR Management Software


– UI is very user friendly
– Great support team


– The main bummer is non-availability of on-premise implementation


3) Zoho

Zoho is a well-known name when it comes to the best HR management software, and it is quite natural that we’ll keep Zoho on our list of 15 best HR management software. The best part of Zoho is, businesses can now customize as per their wish and requirement, which makes it cost-effective.

BizTrailblazer Blog - ZOHO recruit - HR management software


– Low pricing
– Good UI


   – Works best only with inhouse product integration


4) HROne

HROne is one of the best HR software in India. This platform offers its employees self-service. Additionally, HROne helps your HR to perform multiple tasks in a day, that too on the go.

BizTrailblazer Blog -HRMS software - HR ONE


– Low pricing
– A very user-friendly UI


The web version lacks few functions


5) SumHR

How can we forget SumHR in our list of 15 best HR management software. With the intent of breaking free from the HR chaos, SumHR was founded in 2013. This cloud-based HR software is one of the best HR software for start-ups in India. This platform allows to create of attendance policies, manage shifts, and tracking of every employee’s in and out time. 

Sum HR Management Software 2021 - BizTrailblazer Blog


– Economical to use
– Easy to learn


Completely cloud-based, can’t be implemented on-premise.


6) HRMantra

In this list of 15 best HR management software HRMantra scores very high. Established back in 1998, HRMantra was the first vendor to set up HR software, that too web-based. HRMantra is one of the best HR software for small businesses.

BizTrailblazer Blog - HR Mantra


– Easy to adapt


– No option for trial accounts


7) Kredily

In order to make HR software available to the masses, Kredily was created. It is one of the best free HR management software in India. Start-ups or small businesses with a limited employee count can use Kredily.

BizTrailblazer Blog - Kredily HR Software


– It’s free
– Suitable for small businesses


 – Limited set of features


8) Freshteam

Freshteam is one of the best cloud-based HR software that is available in the market right now. This HR software excels in recruiting process. Although the UI/UX is decent, the customer might still face some inconvenience with the response speed of the support team.

FRESHWORKS - Smart HR software -BizTrailblazer Blog


– Very good for recruitment
– Ease of use


– Slight delay in customer support


9) SageHR

Previously CakeHR, has now become SageHR. This HR software is equipped with multiple modules. And the best part is trial account’s features are not at all compromised. SageHR fast tracks the workload of the entire HR department.

BizTrailblazer Blog - Sage HR


– Trial accounts have necessary features
– Decent customer service


The mobile app can be a bit faster


10) Beehive

With more than 21 modules, Beehive scores very highly on the list of 15 best HR management software. It offers integration both in the cloud and on-premise. This HR management software has an easy-to-navigate interface.

Beehive HRMS - BizTrailblazer Blog


– Cost-effective
– UI is quite user-friendly


On-premise implementation does not support Mac systems


11) Rippling

The best part of rippling is, it quotes its customers according to the chosen services. The company also allows 1:1 customer support.

Rippling HR Management Software - BizTrailblazer Blog


– Great payroll service
– Decent UI


– Not serviceable outside of the US


12) Paycor

When it comes to the best HR payroll software, Paycor scores very high. This is one of the best HR software for start-ups. Recently it has also launched a free payroll for its clients.

Paycor HR Software - BizTrailblazer Blog


– Payroll processing is easy
– Great features


Customer support can be improved


13) Namely

This HR software is one of the best HR platforms and it is specifically designed for mid-sized organizations. This platform provides self-service for the employees. Additionally, Namely also provides a very robust set of diversity.

BizTrailblazer Blog - Namely HR


– Customizable
– Easy to use


No presence in the US


14) Workday

In the list of 15 best HR management software, Workday also scores decently. This HR management software is not so suitable for small businesses, due to its advanced features. Workday also caters to educational institutions, which also makes it one of the best HR management software for schools.

BizTrailblazer Blog - WorkDay HR Management


– Advanced features
– In-depth analytics


– Not suitable for small businesses


15) Gusto

Gusto started its journey as ZenPayroll in 2012. This is one of the 15 best HR management software, that eliminates any chance of mistake which could happen in manual processing. This is good for small businesses.

BizTrailblazer Blog - Gusto HR Management Software


– Great customer service
– Fast navigation


– The basic plan lacks features



If you have completed the super long article, and if you are reading this line. Then I would like to say ‘THANK YOU’ for reading such a loooong article. However, this was the list of 15 best HR management software in 2021. And let me tell you, these HRMS software automates the mundane administrative tasks so much, that once implemented your HR team can become much more efficient than ever before.



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A Complete Guide To 20 Best Hemp Clothing Brands


If you’ve clicked on this article to know about the 20 best hemp clothing brands, then there’s a chance that you already know about the latest discussion about using hemp-based clothing. However, many of us still don’t know that there’s a debate going on and hemp-based clothing just can be the future of sustainable fashion. We have another article on our website, where we have shared our views on Hemp VS Cotton, which is better. However, just for your information, the hemp plant is much kinder to our mother nature. It needs less water, less farming land, and chemicals to grow.

Now you might ask hemp plant is basically a marijuana plant. Right? Ummm!!! Not entirely.

Is Hemp Different than Marijuana?

Yes! Products from these 20 best hemp clothing brands are derived from hemp plants. It is entirely different from marijuana, and there’s no chance of getting high from the hemp plant. Why? Because hemp consists of less than 0.3 percent of THC or tetrahydrocannabinol, which is the main reason of getting high. Also, hemp plants are now being used to clean up nuclear radiation and create plastics that are a bit environment-friendly.

There’s multiple evidence of hemp’s use throughout the history of mankind, which also includes the discovery of material made from hemp plants over 10,000 years ago. Some also believe hemp was the first crop to be cultivated by humankind.

Additionally, the Agricultural Act of 2018, which is known as the farm bill has legalized hemp and hemp-derived products, which also include hemp-derived CBD. 

Hemp is the Strongest Natural Fibre

Yes! Hemp is the strongest natural fibre in the world. We might be discussing 20 best hemp clothing brands, but this plant has many more uses than textiles. It is used to create building materials, industrial textiles, paper, and body care products.

Hemp-derived CBD oils can treat sleeplessness, reduce acne, reduce stress, be used as pain medication, and lower high blood pressure.

Hemp VS Jute

People often get confused between hemp and jute. Here we can say, although considered coarse compared to cotton, jute is extremely strong. Due to its insulating cloth-like properties, it can also be used as curtains in order to keep heat or cold at bay.

Compared to jute, hemp is slightly less coarse, which pits it further closer to cotton. However, hemp is much stronger than jute and holds color better than both cotton and jute. Still, hemp can feel a bit less soft than cotton against the skin, but with use, that hint of coarseness gets better.  

Why Isn’t Hemp More Widely Used?

Yes! We are listing out the 20 best hemp clothing brands.

Now you may ask us: why isn’t hemp more widely used?

Before the 80s, hemp fibre used to feel very coarse in hand, and it couldn’t be used for any kind of apparel. However, during the ’80s Chinese scientists figured out, how to remove the coarseness of the fibres, without compromising their strength. This breakthrough has helped us to understand the advantages of hemp over cotton. Today, hemp fabric is nearly similar and can be used to make anything.

Additionally, hemp has been confused with marijuana, and misconceptions about hemp became the sole reason to ban the plant. However, the situation is now changing, governments across the planet have understood the importance of the hemp plant and they are slowly allowing hemp cultivation.  

While listing down the 20 best hemp clothing brands, people have also asked us, about sustainable fashion and what are advantages and disadvantages of it?

What is Sustainable Fashion?

In simpler terms, sustainable fashion is to maintaining fashion without being cruel to our mother nature. Currently, the fashion industry is quite a large industry, with massive levels of pollution. Sustainable fashion clothing is made of organic products, that are much easier to recycle.

What are the Advantages of Sustainable Fashion?

Here we are mentioning the 20 best hemp clothing brands, mainly because the fashion industry uses many harmful toxic pesticides to grow cotton, and then again, they use various chemicals to dye those fabrics, which leaves a huge impact on our planet. As you might know, cotton uses massive quantities of chemicals and water only to be harvested. So, opting for more organic fabrics like hemp could cut the number of chemicals discarded in the soil massively.

Sustainable fashion ensures, no child or forced labor, fair wages, basic human rights for the laborers, keeping biodiversity intact, manufacturing clothes in eco-friendly ways, etc.

Whenever you, the consumer spend money on fashionable clothes, you are telling the fashion industry, what they should do. Therefore, consumers should use their rights wisely.

What are the Disadvantages of Sustainable Fashion?

We can see a big disadvantage here, and that is a mindset. Yes! Human mindset plays a crucial role when it boils down to adopting new things. Additionally, cost plays a big role in this, and as you can expect sustainable fashion doesn’t come cheap.

So, enough of this Gyan. Now let’s dive deep into the world of the 20 best hemp clothing brands, which will make your wardrobe, a much more fashionable place.

Guide to 20 best hemp clothing brands in 2021

Below is the complete list of the top 20 hemp clothing brands,

1) 8000 Kicks

Have you ever heard of shoes, that are 100% splash-proof? While being super strong and flexible and also provide game-changing comfort levels? 8000 Kicks’ products are made out of hemp, which not only makes them stronger, but it makes them fashionable too.

2) Patagonia Hemp Clothing

Patagoia Hemp Clothing manufacture outdoor collections for surfing, biking, and winter sports. The best part is, they donate 1 percent of their sales back to various environmental projects.   

3) Tact and Stone

With a mission to ‘change more than your wardrobe’ Tact and Stone have a complete line of basic tees made of hemp. These hemp tees are lightweight and made of 100 percent natural fibre.

4) Valani

If you love flowy skirts, dresses, and pants while being a fan of simple colors and designs. Valani can be like a wonderland for you. Their mindfully packed products are often biodegradable at the end of their life cycle.  

5) Amour Vert

Amour Vert has partnered with the American forest preservation, and the brand has pledged to plant a tree for a t-shirt sold. In order to ensure the highest quality standards and eliminate any chance of excess waste, Amour Vert’s products are made in very limited quantity.

6) Outerknown

When it comes to sustainability, Outerknown is working relentlessly. 90 percent of all the fibres used in their clothing line are either recycled, organic, or regenerated. Also through Fair Trade USA, Outerknown invests in the livelihoods of more than 5k workers, who work to bring the vision of Outerknown into life.  

7) Thought

Seventh in our list of 20 best hemp clothing brands is Thought. Over 10 percent of its clothing is completely dedicated to hemp clothing. Thought sells everyday wear, office wear, and occasional wear.

8) Ekzo

This San Diego-based brand Ekzo uses 100 percent natural fibres in all of its clothing and accessories. Their hemp-based clothing line-up comes with a breathable look and gets softer with each wash.  


In our list of 20 best hemp clothing brands, WAMA scores very high. It makes undergarments made of hemp. Mostly because, hemp is anti-odour, anti-bacterial, comfortable, and it gets softer with each wash.

10) BEWUSST Hempware

Based in Germany, BEWUSST Hempware, aims to use a sustainable manufacturing process, while their garment-dyeing process is GOTS certified. BEWUSST also offers free worldwide shipping.

11) Jungmaven

With globally sourced materials from Europe and China, Jungmaven products are made in Los Angeles. It is one of the leading hemp clothing brands amongst the 20 best hemp clothing brands. Currently, the brand’s mission is to raise awareness about hemp and its many uses. Jungmaven believes, “fashion is a form of activism; what we choose to wear says both who we are and what we stand for”.

12) Tentree

With the promise to plant as many as ten trees for a piece of purchased clothing came the brand name Tentree. Currently, the organization has planted more than 51 million plants, and it aims to reach 1 billion by 2030. Tentree uses a rare and unique blend of Tencel, hemp, recycled polyester, and organic cotton.

13) Goodwear

Made from cotton/hemp blend, Goodwear is 100 percent made in USA product, which only uses best quality materials. It specializes in loungewear, basic shirts, sweatpants, and sweatshirts.

14) Hempy’s

As the name suggests, Hempy’s is a US-based brand, that sells sustainable, and natural clothing, and most of their products are made of hemp and organic cotton.

15) Onno

Based in Colorado, US, Onno sells t-shirts made of hemp and organic cotton. Onno buys the carbon offset in order to balance the harm it causes while moving its products. Its ultimate aim is to make everyone a little happier.

16) Bohempia

In our list of 20 best hemp clothing brands, Bohempia is slightly different. It makes hemp-based sneakers, that are flexible, lightweight, and keeps feet dry and odor-free.

17) Seeker

When it comes to the 20 best hemp clothing brands in the US, Seeker comes into mind. It is inspired by the lifestyle of eastern spiritual cultures. The company believes, its clothing helps its users’ mind and body to feel free

18) Faherty

Faherty is a family-run sustainable clothing brand, based in the US. Currently, the organization is selling a small range of hemp-based clothing. It is also striving to use ethically sourced materials. Currently, Faherty is one of the top hemp clothing brands in the USA.

19) Hemp Tailor

19th on our list of 20 best hemp clothing brands, is Hemp Tailor. It is perfect for those, who are obsessed with the planet earth just as the brand itself. The brand is completely focused on hemp and hemp-based fabrics to produce sustainable clothing.

20) Taylor Stitch

Taylor Stitch’s mission is to create durable, long-lasting clothing while being kind to mother earth. Also, you’ll be glad to know that all of Taylor Stitch’s partners are also looking to become leaders when it comes to sustainability.

So, now you know the 20 best hemp clothing brands for 2021. Now start making a difference, before it’s too late.


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Top 7 Shopify Apps For Up-Selling And Cross-Selling


Do you run your own Shopify Store? Are you worried about your sales? If all of these answers are YES, then for sure you are not using proper up-selling / cross-selling products in your shopify store. Up-selling and Cross-selling products are the most effective ways to boost your online sales. If you are using Shopify for your online store management, then there are multiple shopify apps, which make up-selling and cross-selling easier for you.

We are going to list down Top 7 Shopify Apps for up-selling and cross-selling, based on our personal preferences.



This shopify app enables up-sell and cross-sell offers on your THANK YOU page. This app is having almost 4.9 Star Rating on the Shopify App Store with great customer reviews. It improves your online sales by promoting up-sell offer. It helps you to generate more profits by increasing the AOV (Average Order Value) of your store. This shopify app can display upto 3 targeted cross-sells, that increases the chance of your buyer accepting. It has it’s unique AI engine scanning mechanism that can suggest you upsell and cross-sells automatically. It can easily integrate with Bundles Bear and Auto Multi-Currency. It has 4 types of plans – FREE, SILVER ($49.99 per month), GOLD ($99.99 per month) & PLATINUM ($149.99 per month).


One of the best upsell and cross-sell app for your shopify store. It offers you to upsell & cross-sell your customers by offering them extra services, such as – free gifts, related product bundles, one click upsell popup for mobile devices etc. This app can be easily integrated with CartHook, Shogun, Gift Box, Vitals, PageFly. CandyRack is smart, simple and the most effective shopify app, that generates immediate sales boost for your online store. This app is not free, though it has a 14 days free trial for each of it’s packages. It has 4 types of plans – BASIC SHOPIFY ($29.99 per month), STANDARD SHOPIFY ($49.99 per month), ADVANCED SHOPIFY ($99.99 per month) & SHOPIFY PLUS ($199.99 per month).


ReConvert is a simple but powerful shopify app for your Thank You Page optimization. It allows you to customize your thank you page with the drag and drop interface. ReConvert is just like abandoned cart recovery with advanced features. You can easily customize the Thank You page with their built-in templates or can create your own template from scratch. This app gives you in-depth analytics of your thank you page which includes CVR, CTR, visits, best upsell etc. This shopify app can be easily integrated with Klaviyo, Loox, MailChimp, SMSBump etc. It has 4 types of plans – FREE, PRO THANK YOU PAGE ($7.99 per month), MVP THANK YOU PAGE ($14.99 per month) & VIP THANK YOU PAGE ($29.99 per month).


Zoorix is a simple but the most effective upsell app for your shopify store. It gives you an instant sales boost up to 25%. It has the feature that give your customers an automatic recommendations (AI Based) based on your store order. This app has some awesome features, such as: slider for ajax cart, supports multiple languages, volume discount, bundle specific variants, warranty upsell, supports shopify locations, ROI dashboard and much more. It has 4 types of plans – FREE, ZOORIX PRO ($7.99 per month), ZOORIX MVP ($14.99 per month) & ZOORIX VIP ($19.99 per month).


This app is trusted by over 1.5K+ merchants. BOLD UPSELL can be easily integrated with Bold Brain, Google Analytics, Bold Product Options, Bold Discounts etc. It allows you to track your upsell performance so that you can optimize your offers. With it’s FREE ADDON (Bold Brain), you can easily access upsell recommendations based on your customer’s activities. This app also gives you an advanced level of upsell funnel with the conditional logic. It has 4 types of plans – STARTER ($9.99 per month), PLUS ($19.99 per month), PREMIUM ($39.99 per month) & PRO ($59.99 per month).


Boost your sales with the help of This app widget appears like a slider, which can be placed almost anywhere of your shopify store. You can customize the rule system to satisfy your customer’s needs. It allows you to display upsell and cross-sell in static blocks, pop ups, sliders with the help of pre-defined templates. It has a Free 7-day trial to try it’s awesome features. It has only one plan – PERFORMANCE BASED ($19.99 per month).


Increase your shopify revenue with SellUp – with this shopify app you can create precision based upsells & cross-sells for your online store. SellUp is one of the most powerful app, that allows you to show your product recommendations just below the main Add to Cart button. It has some brilliant pre-built templates, that uplift the look of your store. It can easily run with any of these stores: Dropshipping, Print-on-Demand or Digital product stores. It can be easily integrated with Free Upsell App, Smart Upsell, One click upsell, Upsell etc. It has 4 types of plans – FREE, BASIC ($14.99 per month), GROWTH ($39.99 per month), & PLUS ($59.99 per month).


You have to think beyond your imagination if you want to improve your store’s sales. With these shopify apps, you can recommend additional products to your customers much easily. Mostly these apps don’t need any coding knowledge. These can be easily setup & integrated in your store. But if you face any difficulties to install or to setup these apps, you can hire shopify developer for your tasks. So don’t waste your time, use these shopify apps to enhance your customer’s purchasing experience.


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